Monday, September 9, 2013

Departure Day!

It's finally here!! After a long journey of fundraising and organization this mission group of 5 raised all the money necessary to fund our project which came to a grand total of $46,000. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you have God on your side. As we leave the states we ask you to keep our team and also the Zambians in your prayers throughout our trip! We will be having mass tonight at St. Agnes church in Freeland at 6:30pm if you you would like to join and send us off with prayer! Lastly, apart of our fundraising this year was to fund raise prayers! As monetary donations came in we asked for special intentions or prayers they would like to offer up, here are what our amazing donors have said:

>Dear God, please guide and protect Alexis on her mission trip to Zambia. May it be a positive and successful experience for all involved. Safe travels and go with God -The Barry Family

> We applaud your efforts and commitment to your mission in Africa and are happy to support this cause. We all hope you have a safe and healthy trip! -FOP Associates

> May God guide you and keep you safe as you spread his news -Cecilia, Matt, Megan, Ryan, and Bri Sullivan

> Our prayers are with you as you continue to love and support the poor in Lukulu. You have been blessed with a kind and loving heart and we are blessed to know you! -John and Mary Sullivan
> We pray that you will be safe and protected. Also that you will be able to get the building done, help help those that need help and provide support/love to the village of Mongu -Brandy & Brian Eagan

> Please let Alexis be safe in her mission. Give her strength each day to move forward in her life. Let the experience make her a stronger person -Dr. Cramer

> Lord, please keep Alexis and her mission group safe while she pursues this undertaking in Africa. Love, Colette Shreve 

>I pray that your group accomplishes everything they have set out to do and for a safe returns for all to your family and friends -Jeanine Hutchinson

> May God send you with happiness and safety. May He direct you to your path of success -Greg Helpap

> Dear Heavenly Father thank you for calling Alexis to do your work. Please watch over her as she travels and is gone. Keep her healthy and safe from harm. Send the Holy Spirit upon her and the rest of the mission. All the glory is yours and this we pray in your name Jesus Christ, Amen. -Amy, Chad, Dylan, Brady, Parker, and Gabrielle

> Please pray for the friend of Lynette Drumhiller Cheryl Mistry as she battles breast and brain cancer

Again thank you for continuing to support the Love for Lukulu mission group, God Bless!!

*Share this post on Facebook, twitter, email, anything! Just to get our group heard and get more ambitious people wanting to be the change they wish to see in the world*


  1. My prayers and thoughts are with you Alexis and with your entire team..I pray for your safety and that your heart remain open to the path that God is leading you on... looking forward to hearing all about it when you return

  2. May the Spirit be with you always... sending all my love with you.... love Grandma

  3. Prayers continue.
    Hope you made it and everyone is well.
    Dan Mc is working on a wire transfer and should be sent this week.
    We also have the shipping creates built and will be sending the three pieces medical equipment plus all the clothing, shoes and sports ball you could not fit in your checked luggage. Shipping Michigan to Texas to Lusaka.
    Keep save
    God Bless
