Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 8

Hello everyone, this morning we attended mass at 7:30am with Father K presiding. following mass we all had breakfast together then continued to disperse into our separate groups for the last time! The girls dormitory is finally FINISHED!! Such an accomplishment for the men who have been working on them and putting so much effort into this project. The girls have once again shown their utmost gratitude towards the renovations. The basketball coaches are so proud of their players and their scrimmages throughout the day. All of the kids have come such a long way and its such an awesome experience to see it all be put into play. Even the bystanders show off their skills once in a while. Furthermore, Annette, Alexis, and Liz attended mass for the second time today for the woman of Lukulu and their Thanksgiving holiday. Here in Lukulu this day celebrates the existence of woman and they thank God for giving women to the world. It was such an empowering opportunity and having the ladies pull us into the isle to dance was the greatest mass experience we have had yet. As for tomorrow half of us will be going to Mbanga and the other half will be staying here and going to mass. Thank you again for the prayers and support God Bless!


  1. Alexis,
    Sounds like an amazing experience and we thank you for posting everyday. I really feel like such a part of what you are all doing. Can't wait to see all the pictures when you get back!
    Mary Sullivan

  2. I love reading these Alexis....
